Are antibiotics safe in early pregnancy?

There has always been back and forth about what is healthy during pregnancy, especially early pregnancy.  And, in the case of antibiotics, there has been some bad press in the past, and directly linked to early pregnancy.  Obviously, if you are sick and need treatment due to a bacterial infection, you need treatment, but the issue is in the choice of drugs.

What are the main culprits?
Well, in 2009 there was some data derived from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, and the authors spoke out against the use of sulfonamides and nitrofurantoins.  Sulfonamides are also known as sulfa drugs and have good antibacterial effects against a broad spectrum of bacteria; sulfa drugs (i.e. Bactrim or Septra) are commonly used to treat UTI’s (urinary tract infections).  Nitrofurantoins, the most commonly used is Macrobid, are antibiotics that are also used to treat UTI’s; they are not as common as Sulfa drugs, but have a lower resistance rate (for people who have bacteria resistant UTI’s).

What is the current scoop on antibiotics use?
The key is to treat the bacteria present, as accurately as you can.  So, The American College of Gynecology and Obstetrics think that it is safe to use these drugs in the first trimester, as long as they are the most appropriate to treat the bacteria of a UTI or other infection and there aren’t alternatives.  And despite publishing the 2009 study, the authors noted that they saw a higher risk in birth defects, but no other studies showed those results, which usually makes me think there is some sort of flaw…I mean, these drugs have been around for ages, and just in 2009 it was found they have serious side effects??  Hmmm….NurseBridgid doesn’t think so!

What does this mean?
Well, the risk of NOT treating an infection when you are pregnant is much more detrimental to your unborn baby than taking an antibiotic.  Plus, you should always go and see your HCP or OBGYN to ensure that you do have a bacterial infection that requires treatment with antibiotics.  Your HCP will discuss risks and benefits and most likely take a urine sample or blood samples to be able to prescribe the most appropriate drug for you; so no taking some random antibiotics that you have “left over” (which causes me chest pain, baseline….but definitely not when you are pregnant!)

So stay healthy, eat well, rest, and start learning what to expect when you are expecting!!

Yours in Good Health

Niacin and Cardiovascular Disease

A few years ago it became a hypothesis that taking Niacin, as a dietary supplement, could help to raise your HDL (High Density Lipoprotein- the good cholesterol), essentially boosting your bodies own defenses to protect itself from cardiac damage.   So, a HUGE study from the NIH (National Institute of Health) was actually underway to study the use of extended-release Niacin, but suddenly stopped due to little, if any improvement, and actually some risks…which is pretty shocking news, seeing as many HCP’s suggested the Niacin supplement to cardiac patients.

What is Niacin?
Niacin is also known as Vitamin B3, something we ingest probably every day of our lives!  Niacin works by blocking the breakdown of fats in adipose (fatty) tissues,if these fats were to breakdown, VLDLP (VERY low density lipoproteins) are created in the liver, which are BAD.  But blocking this breakdown, we have less free fatty acids flowing in our blood, which leads to less VLDLP created in the liver, and higher amounts of HDL.  Due to this, the hypothesis was that Niacin protected your heart, as HDL levels increase….seems OK, right?

What was the Study?
It was a large study including 3,400 patients with high risk for heart attacks and strokes, that were treated with high dose extended release niacin (AKA Niaspan) to off-set their current higher levels of LDL’s and hopefully increase HDL’s, thus decreasing their risk of heart attack and stroke.  The problem is that the study had to be stopped due to a found increase of stroke in the study patients; 28 of the patients that got the study drug (of 1,718 patients) had strokes versus 12 of the 1,696 patients that got a placebo.  Due to these findings, the NIH stopped the study 18 months early, despite some of the patients receiving the study drug had some positive responses.

What does this mean to me?
Well, I wouldn’t go run out to take Niacin to help with elevated LDL levels BUT if your HCP has put you on Niaspan (or high dose Niacin) I wouldn’t encourage you to stop without discussing with them first.  Plenty of new drugs are constantly being created and trialled as heart disease kills over 800,000 Americans each year, and I am sure that there will be a drug soon that can help to increase our HDL levels without creating other risks to our bodies.  But, until that point, eat healthy, get exercise, relax (try T’ai Chi or yoga!), and talk to your HCP about what your options are.

Yours in Good Health

T’ai Chi: Is it for me?

T’ai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art that is usually practiced both for self defense and for its health benefits.  It is a series of slow, controlled movements, all of which started very traditionally and have branched out and now there are many hybrid forms in the modern world, but the practice was started in East as far back as the 1500’s and are based in Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian ideals that health is controlled by two opposing forces: yin and yang.  A new study shows that this can actually help prevent falls in older adults, and give great health benefits.

How does T’ai Chi work?
One form is a slow series of movements that focus on a straight spine, abdominal breathing, and a natural range of motion.  Another form focuses on pushing hands  in a series of movements to be done with a partner for training movement purposes. But, bot forms help to focus the student on their center of gravity, retain their posture, and maintain flexibility in their joints.

How does this prevent falls in the elderly?
In the British Journal of Sports Medicine, a study was performed specifically looking at the benefits in elderly and prevention of falls when practicing T’ai Chi.   It has been hypothesized that T’ai Chi is beneficial for many different conditions, such as osteoarthritis, but it was hard to collect adequate data and the studies always came out inconclusive.  This was a smaller study, but the results were pretty clear that the elderly benefit from T’ai Chi from both a fall prevention perspective and it has improved psychological functioning, along with improved overall general health, even in the presence of other diseases.

This is a pretty important study because falls are a huge problem in the elderly population.  Falls can cause broken bones, bleeding (if on blood thinners), and can lead to early death.  I think this is important for anyone who wants to benefit their health and to work on flexibility and stress relief, but it can be especially important for the older generations, and HCPs should encourage all elderly clients to get involved with T’ai Chi, it can benefit your life in many different facets.

Do you know what big hands are really a sign of?

A new study of over 1000 middle age men has just disproved the old wives tail that big hands meant that you were very endowed… Interestingly they found that men with a large difference in size between their index and ring fingers are at a significant higher risk for knee injuries. Some studies from a few years ago came out with the statement that men with a difference in finger length had more athletic prowess and higher levels of aggression, which still may be true, and also may directly correlate to the increase in knee injuries!

What does the size difference mean?
Women tend to have similar length ring and index fingers, whereas men usually do have a difference in length.  This study found that an person, man or woman, with a larger difference between these finger lengths, are due to a higher amount of testosterone exposure in the womb.

Why is this important?
The cartilage in the knee joints are sensitive to testosterone, and making you more at risk for knee injuries, if you have had testosterone exposure in the womb, so this difference in finger length can be a predisposing sign.  In a study performed in Norway, over 1000 people aged 51-92 were studied in regards to these findings and the participants were interviewed and X-rayed to look for damage.  28% of men reported a previous knee injury as opposed to 23% of women, and of the men that reported injuries 78% of those men had a significant difference in size between their ring and index fingers, which is pretty significant.  There was no significance with women who have difference in finger length; most likely because we have that lovely estrogen surging through our bodies to protect us!

What does that mean for me?
Really, you probably are a better athlete if you are a male with this condition, but it shouldn’t change how you live your life or play at all!  It might be more important further down the road, and we may be able to prevent knee injuries, but until then eat healthy, don’t over tax your body, stretch, and keep yourself hydrated….and maybe keep the aggression in check 😉

Yours in Good Health

Cell phones might really cause cancer?!?!

For years there were people who I assumed were conspiracy theorists saying that they wouldn’t hold their cell phone near their ears when talking on the phone because they caused brain cancer; I thought it was a bunch of bunk and obviously they were just totally bonkers thinking such a thing.  Well, I guess the tides MAY have turned, and they look like the smarty pants!

The WHO (World Health Organization) just send out a statement saying that they think cell phones really can be carcinogenic (cancer causing) because of the low level of radiation they produce.  Cell phones are considered a Group 2B risk because researchers and scientists have seen and increase in gliomas, a type of brain cancer, associated with cell phone use.  The WHO did also make a statement that further research needs to be done and these were initial studies, and that they feel the use of text and hands-free devices may decrease your risk of exposure.  But this is important because we need to think about the implications this may have on our lives, and what else might be causing this exposure: WiFi? Televisions?

Now, am I going to freak out and toss my phone because there are “associations” wit gliomas and cell phone use?  Not at all.  What I will do is try to limit phone to head time and utilize my handsfree earphones; which honestly I use a ton anyway because I am always multitasking and it allows me to have arm freedom whilst chatting!  I also think that cell phones, when they first came out, were designed to be a phone to use on the run, in an emergency, not these, basically, computers that we hold on our persons 24/7 that we cannot live without, and it starts from such a young age that children are also attached to their phones.  So, this small level of radiation, which may not be a huge amount of exposure, over time, and with the extend that we all seem to use our phones, may give us an increase in risk of certain brain cancers.  It is estimated that 5 Billion people worldwide use cellphones EVERY SINGLE DAY!  That is crazy!

If you have other radiation risks daily, you might want to try to increase texting or handsfree use, and talk to your HCP about your risk.  Unfortunately, mostly the damage is already done (if there is any) but we can look for any changes that you might have (increased headaches, changes in vision, altered mood, changes in taste, muscle weaknesses) and be aware so we can get in for early diagnosis and treatment.

Bottom line?  I wanted you guys to be aware, but this shouldn’t have huge implications in our lives, as the WHO changes their risk (if they increase it) I will let you all know and the changes we should make in our lives from there on in.  Until then, keep living the dream 😉

Yours in Good Health

Herbal tripping?

I am an avid Howard Stern fan and I listen every single day- really it’s the only reason I got satellite radio, I digress.  Robin Quivers recently had an experience where she met with a shaman and took some herbal supplements and basically took and herbal “trip”.  I had been asked about this a couple of years ago, but never paid it much mind because this trend seemed to be with really eccentric A-list celebrities, and it was kind of a quite thing, not really talked about.  Now that Robin has shared her experience, I hear a lot of buzz surrounding Ayahuasca and the resulting hallucination trip that can take place. So, I want to give you guys the scoop on the pluses and minuses….and who should definitely not try this one out!

So what is Ayahuasca?
Basically it is a mixture of a few different herbs (banisteriopsis and dimethyltryptamine containing shrubs from the psychotria genus) into a tea; these  herbs separately would have minimal if any effect on you, but when mixed together, they can cause a hallucinogenic response.  It has been used for years in South American cultures as a part of healing and soul searching or as a religious sacrament.  It was first discovered by Westerners in the 1950’s by a Harvard botanist Richard Schultes.

What’s the deal?
Ayahuasca is totally shaman dependent and each brew is different than another because it depends what herbs are used (there are tons of variations), how long it is brewed, etc.  But when it is used medicinally, as intended, it has a hallucinogenic effect that last about 6 hours and peaks within 2 hours of ingestion, and you can start to feel the reaction within 30 minutes of ingesting the brew.

What are the Physical Effects?
It raises your heart rate pretty significantly and causes and increase in diastolic blood pressure. Your visual and auditory centers are stimulated which causes a good amount of the hallucinogenic trip, but it can also cause fear, paranoia, it can also cause really high spirits/excitement, and illumination/insight. One major downside is that it also causes a purge of your system, as it was used to rid the body of parasites and worms, so it unfortunately causes vomiting and/or diarrhea (I’ll be honest with you, not really a plus in my book  at all).  But because it purges your body of toxins, and it is normally ingested by people of the rainforest with a really clean diet, you need to change your diet to be clear of spices, fats, salts, caffeine, and citrus, along with abstain from sex before, during, and after a ceremony.  Also you need to rid your diet of foods containing tyramines, which are found in any meats that are pickled, spiced, fermented, smoked, aged, or marinated and can be found in many aged cheeses and condiments; tyramine can interact with Ayahuasca and can cause a hypertensive crisis.

Is it legal?
The rub is that a lot of the plants used in making these brews/teas are legal, so I guess technically they are legal BUT the derivative found in the teas is illegal and considered a Schedule 1 drug.  Some religions do use this as a part of their religious ceremonies, so there are still some suits going on currently as to the use and legalities of these teas….so it definitely straddles the line here in the US.  It is considered illegal in most of the EU and legal for religious uses in most of South America.

I understand that people are looking for these religious experiences, and I think that whatever brings you to that higher plane and makes you feel happy, healthy, and at peace is the way to go.  My fear is that these various compounds can so easily interact with many modern medicines (I would actually say all) so I wouldn’t suggest you taking these if you are on any sort of medication, and I really would encourage you to stick to the diet beforehand.  Also, you should want to be with someone who has taken the drug and knows the effects, just in case you get fearful or paranoid, you have someone who can talk you through the experience, and you can feel safe and comfortable. Whatever you choose to do, just know that there is a right way to prepare for this experience, and if you don’t feel well or are predisposed to increased heart rate or blood pressure, be aware that you are at risk for a hypertensive crisis, in which case you need to go to an Emergency Department immediately.  It might have been the right thing for Robin Quivers to do, and she might feel awesome about it, but put some thought into it before you jump on the new trend to try Ayahuasca.

Yours in Good Health

Quit Juice

I know that all of you who are avid readers of mine, k now how much I despise smoking, right?  No shock there, an HCP that hates smoking?!?!?  And I know that I have written about helpful tips on how to quit smoking , but there is a new product available, for those of us in the US only currently (but stay tuned for all of you outside the US, it will hopefully be coming to you soon!) and it isn’t a miracle pill, but it will help you to quit!

So much of the process of quitting smoking is related to behavioral changes; people get in habits of smoking after a meal, when they wake up, on the ride to work, etc. and the hardest part of quitting is making that change because you’ve grown so accustomed to just grabbing a cigarette and smoking without thinking about it- all mindless.  But there now is a new way to help you change that, and it is all managed by YOU!  Quit Juice will aid in your quitting by sending you information in quick little snippets, at the times that you choose via voicemail, SMS, or email and YOU decide what time of day to receive the messages….perhaps around the time that you most CRAVE cigarettes?  They are simple, easy to read messages, that contain medically research based (not to mention current) info on the bad effects of smoking, quitting tips, etc.

This is part of a whole new wave of “Mobile Medicine” helping us to get healthier using the mobile devices that most of us have attached to us at all times anyway! This is a new product on the market and the first of its kind, but all of the feedback has been super positive; HCP’s all over the world have been trying to find new ways to aid in smoking cessation, and this may be one of the most innovative and effective ways in communicating with people daily to keep them from quitting without the use of medications, or along with medications.

What’s the rub?
NurseBridgid readers who want to quit smoking can do so with ONE FREE MONTH of Quit Juice and the offer is good until August 1st!  So, if you have thought about quitting, now is the time to get healthy and you get a month FREE to trial Quit Juice….why wouldn’t you?!?!  The code is: BRIDGID

So, sign up, drop those EXPENSIVE cigarettes in the trash, and start doing something healthy for you and your family!  Give me feedback and let me know what you think of the product and if it helps you!

Yours in Good Health

Another reason to curb eating out

Eating out at restaurants can be fun, delicious, and SO much easier than cooking for yourself and then cleaning up the kitchen and dishes afterwards.  And, I will be honest with you, there are certain things that I just don’t cook/make well, like sushi, so I always go out for it!  But, we all know the downside of going out for meals, usually things taste so delicious because usually food is laden with butter and oil and all things yummy that are horrible and clog our arteries!

A recent bit of research in the International Journal of Obesity pinpoints just how bad eating out can be for you, especially for men.  The information was gathered from over 24,000 randomly selected patients in the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition).  The EPIC study gained information from 10 nations in the European Union to determine cancer rates related to lifestyle and nutritional choices in the years 1995-2000.

What was derived from the information is that BMI’s (Body Mass Index) are much higher and there can be significant weight gain from higher calorie intake, especially by men, when eating at restaurants as opposed to eating a meal brought to work or a homemade meal at home.  So, I know that this doesn’t seem like rocket science BUT people really don’t think about how many calories they ingest when at a restaurant…between drinks, food cooked in a different way, AND appetizers along with bigger portions than you would normally eat.

I know in the modern day we seem to be a culture of eating out because of working long hours and so much stress, but try to plan meals ahead of time, go grocery shopping with a set list and  plan of meals for the week, you will be more apt to stick to it if you already have the food that will go bad if not used. Instead of going out to dinner with friends, make meals and eat at each others homes, that way everyone can chip in and you can experience different foods. And, save going out to dinner for a truly special occasion….your wallet AND your waistline will thank you!

So, we didn’t ned this study to learn anything new, but it is a good bit of knowledge to think about when making the choice whether to eat out or stay in!!

Yours in Good Health

Antidepressants and Heart Attacks

Many people these days take antidepressants for all types of different reasons; depression and anxiety are usually the top culprits, but for whatever the reason, people take these drugs to help them get through their days in a healthy way.  After heart attacks (AKA Myocardial Infarctions “MI’s”), many people suffer from depression, and the depression that can ensue increases your risk of death (either from another heart attack or other reasons).  The risk of heart attack from the use of antidepressants has not really been well studied….so putting people on antidepressants after a heart attack to prevent post-heart attack depression might not be a good idea, right?

As it so happens…
A large study from one of the Veteran’s Affairs Hospitals in the US, looking at people from mid 20’s-80’s who were on antidepressants, for whatever reason, and patients post heart attack with and without antidepressant medications, to compare their rate of heart attacks after 12 weeks of use.  The patients on antidepressants had a HUGE reduction in risk of death 6 months after heart attacks when they took antidepressants as part of their follow-up care.

Are any drugs better?
SSRI’s -serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors  (like Paxil/Prozac/Celexa/etc)
SNRI’s -serotonin noreipnephrine reuptake inibitors (like Effexor/Cymbalta/etc)
TCA’s- Tricyclic Antidepressants (like Elavil/Noveril/etc)
Basically, all of the antidepressants worked the same, and had the same result rates, which is a significant reduction in heart attacks or death after a heart attack.

Why do they work??
It really is unclear, at this point.  It is assumed because stress levels are reduced and people are feeling better, less depressed, and it leads for a reduced risk of further heart attacks.  As well, there is an assumption that it might be related to compliance with taking medications; people who need to take medications at a certain time, are usually more apt to take all of their medications on time and every day.

So, what it comes down to is: who knows why antidepressants help people after a heart attack to not have another one?  But they do!  They help stave off post heart attack depression, making people feel better AND actually be physically better!  If you have suffered from a heart attack or know someone who has, and if they are suffering depression, then talk to your HCP about the risks and benefits of antidepressant use.  It may be the right choice for you!

Yours in Good Health

Does Sensa really work?

I have seen tons of informercials and commercials touting the weight loss properties of Sensa, a weight loss supplement, that claims to help people lose on average around 30lbs (or 15% of their body mass) in 6 months.  That is a pretty intense claim, and I must say, I am going into this a non-believer, but I cannot deny science, and there are some pretty big claims!

What is it?
Sensa is a “natural” weight loss supplement that is made in a lab (please feel the sarcasm about it being natural….I meant to lay it on thick!) that is supposedly odorless, but not tasteless.  Some of them are salty and some are sweet and they are all different colors. The makers claim that you shake it on your food (every meal) and it stimulates the hormones in your body that signal to your brain that you are satiated and no longer need to eat.

How Does it work?
This is where the “science” behind it all gets a little confusing.  These odorless crystals made of a corn product (maltodextrin), silica (which is NOT good for you), and some fillers, somehow stimulate the hormones in your body that signal satiety.  The claim is that it makes you eat less because you feel fuller sooner, while eating the same foods and getting the same amount of exercise.  If it does allow you to feel full faster, you will lose weight because you are taking in less calories, so you should see some immediate effects

What is the long term deal?
So, its great that you will lose weight by eating less, but over time your body will adapt to that, and you will need to go the old fashioned route and start eating healthier and exercise…or else you will start to gain weight.  Your body is very smart, and works like a well oiled machine (when treated as one), and the less calories you take in, your body will adapt and be less efficient, by slowing your metabolism so that it is almost in starvation mode- you need a certain number of calories to function, and when we stop hitting those numbers, your body starts holding on to calories in the form of fat to use when it is truly starving.

Are there any studies?
The people who created this diet supplement, performed a study looking at around 1400 people and got results of an average weight loss of 30.5 lbs in 6 months while those in the control group only lost 2lbs.  The only independent study performed was performed over the same amount of time, and people were told not to change their diets; it was found that the Sensa users lost 27.5 lbs and the control group people gained 0.5lbs.  What we don’t know is if this “independent” lab was funded, how many people were involved, any other factors that may have effected the outcomes.

The Verdict?
It seems a little odd to me, and I don’t think that this will solve your weight loss woes; it will just be, yet ANOTHER, yo-yo diet supplement.  You will take it, lose weight, and then either take it forever OR stop and you will probably gain weight again because you are not making any healthy lifestyle changes.

If you want to take this, I would talk to your HCP first because there are no side effects listed, but you should be under the guidance of medical care because this product is not FDA approved.  I would also suggest making some healthy lifestyle changes as far as diet and exercise are concerned because it is the healthiest choice for you in the long run and will only benefit you!

Yours in Good Health