What to know before your next appointment with your Healthcare Practitioner

Have you ever gone in to your annual appointment, weeks before thinking that you want to ask your Healthcare Practitioner (HCP) various questions about your blood pressure, diet, a weird pain you get in your elbow, etc., but then you get there, leave, and remember an hour later what you wanted to ask? Even I have been there! It’s usually a little different on my end, because we do the medical check up chat, then catch up on people we know in common, yet I still forget to ask my questions. I also realize that I can usually just page or email my HCPs directly to get that quick question answered, whereas it is harder for patients to get in touch with their HCP many times to get the answers they wanted.  There are some things that you can do, to make sure that you are getting the most out of your appointment.

HCP questions
How can I prepare for my appointment?

– When you see various news topics, or read things that make you question your risk, write it down:

You might not always get a response call or email from your HCP right away, so if you are going in any way, you might as well ask, right?

– Call ahead and ask if they will want to have blood samples, and if any of them need to be fasting (i.e. no eating before)

Commonly to get accurate cholesterol levels, they should be checked when you haven’t eaten for 8 hours prior. There are some other tests that they may want to check on an empty stomach.

– Make a list of all medications and supplements (along with doses) that you take

You want to compare what you take, to what your HCP has in your record to make sure that everyone is on the same page.  Plus, you should let them know any food and/or medication allergies you might have.

– Bring a pad and pen

You want to make sure that you are writing down the answers to your questions, and you also want to write down what health advice your HCP gives you (perhaps some lifestyle changes, or a plan for treatment of blood pressure or that annoying elbow pain).  It’s easy to get nervous and forget what they said or remember the exact plan, and it can be overwhelming, so write it down and/or ask THEM to give you a copy of your treatment plan written down.

– Better yet, bring your healthcare proxy, family member, or friend

They can also help to process the treatment plan if you get anxious or nervous and tend to forget what your HCP says.  Plus, it is always helpful to have someone else’s perspective, right? Your guest can be a little more objective with the news or plan because the news isn’t about them.

What to do during your appointment:

– Make sure you ask all of your pressing health questions!

– Be honest with your symptoms, and if you have tried anything to alleviate them (or self treat) because it will help us to determine what might be going on, and give us a better idea for a treatment plan

– Make sure you tell us about your family history (cancer, cardiac disease, mental health, etc.)

– Tell your HCP if any other HCP has been treating you and why

– If tests are performed, ask when you might expect results and how they will let you know the results.

After your appointment: 

– Make sure you follow through with treatments

– Make note of any side effects from medications you may have started

– Call your HCP if your symptoms are getting worse or not improving

– Make a list of new questions you want to ask at your next appointment

Reading this, most people thing: Duh, these seem pretty obvious.  And they do, but we all live very fast paced lives, and I forget where my cell phone is (when it might be in my hand) so it is only natural that my mind goes blank when I’m trying to think of questions I was pondering a week ago! Write things down, read things back to your HCP to make sure that you are on the same page with a treatment plan and follow-up visits, and I promise it will make a world of difference!

Yours in Good Health


An Ease for Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness, which is kind of a misnomer as it can happen at any point during the day and may come and go sporadically, is very common during the first couple of months of pregnancy. Some people are able to dig deep and get through it because their symptoms are quite mild, whereas other people can have very severe nausea associated with their pregnancies.  For those with milder to moderate symptoms, a group of HCPs (Healthcare Practitioners) created Preggie Pops and Preggie Drops to help alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness.

PreggiepopsWhat are they made of?

These HCPs created the Preggie Pops using some alternative therapies based upon some accepted alternative therapies and some old wives tales. For example, they are made with a sour flavored base, as this has been handed down by generations of childbirth educators as a treatment for a sour stomach and to squelch a nauseous stomach. As well, they are made with mint and lavender which are aromatic and thought to promote relaxation (lavender) and aid in digestion (mint) along with ginger, which has long been known as a treatment for nausea, to help settle an irritated stomach lining. They are made with sugar, and sometimes nausea can start to occur in pregnancy when the blood sugar starts to get low, almost like a signal that you need to be eating some more because your body (and the baby) need nourishment, and because you are sucking on these pops/drops slowly, you are getting small amounts of sugar, instead of eating large quantities at one time, which totally makes sense!

Do they Work and are they Safe?

They have many testimonials stating that people have used them not only for morning sickness but also for nausea associated with surgery and other illnesses. But, they are a homeopathic treatment that is not FDA approved; they do not contain any drugs, but they are using homeopathic treatments that are untested. On their website they state that they are safe because they are all natural….there are many things that are all natural but they are not safe for your unborn child, or for you. So I urge people to take heed and caution, check with your HCP before using this product or any other for morning sickness/nausea associated with pregnancy, just to really make sure it is safe and you are under the care of an HCP, in case there are any side effects.

At the risk of your health, and your unborn child’s health, it is best to consult with an HCP before taking any sort of supplementation while pregnant.

Yours in Good Health


Can your Antibiotic cause an Untimely Death?

So many people know about the broadband antibiotic Azithromycin, also known as the Z-Pak, and many times people will call their Healthcare Practitioner (HCP) and ask for it by name. And over 55.3 million prescriptions were written for the Z-Pak last year alone! Not only is that a bad idea because using such a powerful antibiotic and not necessarily treating the appropriate organism can lead to antibiotic resistance organisms, but a new study is showing that the use of Z-Paks can also lead to heart arrhythmias, stroke, and death.

Z-PakWhat can happen?

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a study, showing that people who took the Z-Pak were more likely to die of a heart attack, stroke, sudden cardiac arrest, or an arrhythmia (abnormal beating of the heart) than those prescribed other antibiotics. The Z-Pak is used so much because there are less pills over a shorter period of time than other antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, and there are many people with penicillin allergies that cannot take amoxicillin, so there is an increased use, because patients may be more likely to actually take the medicine appropriately and for the prescribed amount of time. All Medicaid patients on the Z-Pak and other antibiotics from 1992 to 2006 were looked at, at it was found that those on the Z-Pak were 2.5% more likely to die than those on other antibiotics. And, certain patients had a 10% increase for risk of death. Unfortunately they are still looking into the exact mechanism that maybe causing certain patients to die, but they are still researching that further.

Am I at Risk?

Now just because this study came out, and you may be taking a Z-Pak to treat a bacterial infection, it does not mean that you are going to die! The subset of patients that had a higher risk of cardiac death had a history of cardiac disease and/or arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats) for various different reasons. So, while that particular reason is being studied, HCP’s need to ensure that they are utilizing the Z-Pak appropriately and when needed, and using more bacteria specific antibiotics, especially when patients have a cardiac history.  Also, it is important to only use antibiotics when you have a bacterial infection; many people go to their HCP in the throes of a viral infection and insist upon antibiotics, and clearly there are risks.

Trust your HCP that they will treat you with an antibiotic, if necessary, and realize that asking for a specific brand, may not be the most appropriate course of treatment, just because they have more advertisements! Asking for drugs by name, and pressuring your HCP for a specific treatment may not be the best thing for your health.  Seek treatment when necessary and have some faith that your HCP knows what is best!

Yours in Good Health


Refocus and Trim the Fat From Your Life

I had a bit of an epiphany, as a good friend was helping me pack up and start the process to move into my new home soon: you need to trim the fat from your life. Now, in the past few years, due to various life circumstances, I have moved approximately every two years, so while I should totally be used to the process, I’m not.  I am never prepared for moves. I get anxious about having to pack, so I stare at my boxes a few days before finally kicking it  into high gear. But this time was a little different, I made a date with a friend who offered to help, we made a plan, and we attacked.

getting it done!After she left, with boxes piled high, and me getting ready to dig deep and live off of reusable plastic plates for a little while, it left only the things visible that we put in piles. We left a trash heap that was stuff I held onto that could be trashed (or recycled…just out of my house), and then there were the piles of stuff I needed to go through. Ugh. The things I need to go through is stuff I totally know I need to go through but just haven’t because I am dreading it. Why? I have no idea.  Now, I am not a hoarder by any means, but I have my box of important paperwork, and next to it, my pile of things that may be important but I just haven’t felt like going through them. So tonight, I did! And I feel amazing. I accomplished my goal of packing, and only kept the most important things, and now I have rid my life of the excess. And dealt with a bunch of things head on that I haven’t wanted to.

Physically I have trimmed the fat out of the boxes, but I also feel like this was emotionally a huge hurdle; I cut ties from my past, and now I can look forward, to my new life, in my new home.  Totally fresh and a real new start.

It got me thinking though, that I have done this at various times in my life, that I have felt that I have held onto “friends” or kept people in my life that cause anxiety/drama/stress so I try to keep them at arm’s length, maybe because of our past I feel I need to hold onto some semblance of a relationship, but it has become toxic. There have been a couple of those people in my life recently, that I have moved on from. While it is always sad to lose a relationship of any sort, it was also so cathartic. Much like throwing out some of the stuff I have been holding onto that I don’t need, getting the negative and toxic relationships out of my life has made me feel infinitely better, instantly happier, and so much more positive in every aspect of my life.

Every two years, you should re-evaluate and re-focus your life. I am not encouraging everyone to cut out everyone they are having a tiff with in their lives, but I am just thinking about ways that we can all make our lives simpler, happier, and easier. Whether it is ditching the project that you started and never finished that causes you to stress every now and again (or just getting the gumption to finish it up), or go out on a limb and do something that you’ve been wanting to try, starting that eating healthy kick, or surround yourself with positivity: trim the fat. Get the extra stuff out of your way that is preventing you from doing what is good for you, or what you want to do.  You are the only person who can make the right choices in your life to get you where you want to be; you are the master of your destiny.

Think positive.  Live positive. Be positive.

Yours in Good Health


Sodium: Is how much you ingest bad?

For years and years and years HCPs have been telling you to cut out sodium as much as you can from your diet, and I feel like it is everywhere that people know they shouldn’t eat too much sodium, but, why?  And some ways to make sure you aren’t being duped into eating more sodium than you have intended!

SaltmillWhy is too much sodium bad?

Sodium is necessary for your body to thrive because it helps with a lot of the body processes like muscle contraction and relaxation (like with one of the most important muscles: our hearts), so it helps with blood pressure and also functions in our brains. But too much sodium can lead to a body retaining too much water, increase our blood pressure (due to the extra fluid retention related to the sodium), but this puts you at a higher risk for heart attacks and strokes.  For something that is a pretty attainable, lowering your sodium intake, it’s a great way to he healthy and protect your heart.

Where is sodium lurking?

If you are healthy with no medical issues, you can take in up to 2300mg of sodium per day (that’s about a teaspoon of salt) but if you have chronic kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, or are over 50 years old, the suggested daily amount of sodium is 1500mg (which is not very much at all).  Sodium is in almost everything, and if it is pre-made or pre-packaged, the sodium content is usually unbelievably high!  So, if you are on (or should be on) a sodium restricted diet, there are some things you should skip or use sparingly:

– Pre-made foods from stores ( both fresh AND frozen, unless they are labelled as low sodium, but read the labels to be sure)

– Canned foods (even veggies/beans are loaded with sodium as a preservative; I have been buying dry beans and giving them a super soak, much healthier and no sodium added!)

– Condiments (including various spices!)

– Processed meats

– Fast foods

– Processed snack foods (potato chips, cheese curls, etc.)

– Cheeses

– Soups (even low sodium still has a lot of sodium, so I tend to make my own and not add any salt!)

And remember that fresh foods like fruits and veggies naturally have sodium in them, so even though you might think that you are not eating any extra sodium, you might be. Plus, always read the labels to be sure how much sodium is present in various foods! Many different beverages, including some bottled waters have sodium in them, so your best bet at sticking to a low sodium diet, is to reach for foods labelled as “low sodium”, reading package labels, shy away from beverages other than water, and don’t add any salt to your foods when you are cooking!  Plus, half the battle is being aware of how much sodium you should be taking in, and making an effort to stick to it.

And, if you do splurge, make sure to drink a lot of water, and get some exercise to help flush that extra sodium out of your system.

Yours in Good Health


A Gentler Chemotherapy?

I know that almost everyone fears cancer for tons of reasons, but the first thing that people always think of are the treatments: chemotherapy, radiation, and the horrible side effects. Breast cancer will be diagnosed in over 230,000 women in the US in 2013, and over 39,000 will die from the disease, and it is one of the top killers of women worldwide annually. With numbers like that, and previous treatment options, the fear is real. Since we have first started treated cancer, the goal was to kill the cancerous cells, prevent them from growing, spreading, and replicating, which meant that some of our healthy cells were eradicated as well.  Depending on the type of cell that was being targeted, there are unwanted side effects, like loss of hair, nausea, vomiting, and pain as the most notable, and that is what makes people most fearful of cancer: the treatment.  There is some good news though for women that suffer from non-hormone receptive, and aggressive forms of breast cancer; a new chemotherapy that works WITH your body and not against it!

KadcylaWhat is this new treatment?

It is a drug that has just been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which is a completely new type of drug that specifically targets the cancer cells and leaves the healthy ones alone, so there are almost none of the harsh side-effects related to the death of healthy cells and the normal functioning of your body. As with any medication there are side effects such as nausea, fatigue, low platelets, impaired liver function, etc.  It is called Kadcyla, and it is the mixture of three medications, one is a well-known and widely used chemotherapy agent, but one of the medications added binds the other two together, and is an antibody that keeps all of the medications bound, until it find the specific type of cell that it is looking to kill off, then the medications are released on those specific cells and it helps to slow growth and kill off the cancerous cells. It was showed to increase people’s lives by over 6 months as compared to other chemotherapy agents, which may not seem like that much, but when you aren’t vomiting constantly, feeling miserable, and losing all of your hair, it is a better quality of life, which is something you cannot put a price on.

What type of cancer does it treat?

It does seem almost too good to be true, but Kadcyla treats HER2 (Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor-2) specific cancers, which is a large number of breast cancers. It is mainly for breast cancers that are aggressive, with metastatic disease (cancer cells have spread to other areas of the body), that have not responded to other hormonal treatments. Especially while it is newly approved, they will have strict treatment guidelines, but as more trials are done on the drug, there may be more options for treatments and a wider array of patients may benefit.

So, while this drug is not targeted at a huge number of cancer victims, this very moment, it is a huge breakthrough in the treatment of cancer that it can help to target tumor specific cells and bypass the healthy cells, preventing most of the horrible side effects that make people miserable during their treatments. Now that this has been created and approved for use by the FDA, other drugs can be created using this technology for other types of cancer cells; we are one step closer to curing cancer altogether!

Yours in Good Health


A Secret to Healthy Eating: Cheating!!!

I was asked by a few readers about how I am able to eat healthy all the time, and how I have such willpower to forgo sugar laden or fatty foods all the time, and I realized that if that is the way I have portrayed myself, I need to apologize! I am a regular person, and I have the same cravings as anyone else….probably the strongest cravings for skittles and chewy candy of anyone on the planet! Yet, I still do consider myself a healthy person, because while I do give in every now and again, the rest of my diet is really clean, organic, and I make pretty decent choices (lean proteins, veggies, fruits, and lots of whole grains .)

How do you stay healthy amid cravings?

It is so easy to be having a stressful day (or a hormonal day!) and have your body tell you “eat massive quantities of chocolate (or insert most intense craving here)” so you find that food, eat it, and your brian is happy for a millisecond, then you feel slow, sluggish, gross, and sometimes regret eating it. Whereas, if you reached over that candy bar and grabbed some nuts, or a yummy (healthy) salad, you eat your healthy option and you feel light, satiated, and stronger for skipping that craving! Why wouldn’t you skip that craving? I get it though.  I have hungry hungry hippo days where I feel like I want to consume everything in front of me….including people’s appendages, if they aren’t careful.  But on those days, I do what almost everyone who eats healthy or is trying to lose weight does: I have a cheat! Now, a cheat day is what can separate those happy with their waistlines from those who aren’t; a cheat day is not when you give into your cravings ALL day, it is merely when you give yourself a little treat, a serving sized treat, not a couple of king sized Snickers bars and an entire bag of potato chips!

Hot Chocolate All day today I honestly felt like I could kill for chocolate, and despite being offered (close enough to smell) my favorite chocolate chunk cookies, I held strong, I stuck to the lunch I brought to work, ate my healthy dinner, and after getting a little work done, my big treat was a cup of hot chocolate.  It satiated my chocolate craving, it was warm and cozy on a cold night, and it helped to alleviate my stress as I drank it while cuddling with my puppies, doing my nightly mental recap on the day. It was low-fat, and it satiated my craving, plus it was a special treat for accomplishing all I needed to do today, and I only ended up drinking half of it, because a whole cup is usually too much for me, so there is no guilt whatsoever! So, it is a cheat, but it is also a treat for sticking to my diet and a job well done; if you can’t pat yourself on the back, no one else will!

Also, if you are really super craving something, have a snack like an apple (full of fiber but sweet) or a handful of nuts (if you are a salt craver) and drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. Sometimes you can trick your body to hit those sweet/salty receptors and stave off that craving with a healthy snack…then it is merely dealing with the mental part of it, where you just want to nosh on your favorite snack! Plus, sometimes cravings mean that you are missing something from your diet, like when I am craving spinach, I clearly have not had my fill of green leafy veggies, so that craving I feel like I can go over the top with. That being said, If you don’t give yourself that cheat, then you will end up splurging later…like I tend to do with veggies that I am craving, but I keep it in check and stick to serving sizes with things that are not as good for me.

Plus, I get my daily exercise in, and when I step it up and have much harder workouts, I know I have a caloric deficit, so a “fun size” serving of skittles won’t knock me over the edge or ruin my diet for the day. On days that I don’t work out, you are hard pressed to find me giving myself a “cheat” simply because I haven’t burned off those extra calories.

And remember, that you can do whatever you want with your daily calories, if that means eating three candy bars, french fries, or healthy meals throughout the day, it is your choice how to live and eat. I understand the cravings, but I urge you to see try the other side of eating because at the end of the day you need to feel good about yourself and your choices; seeing food as fuel and taking emotion out of it gives you a whole new outlook and it feels great. Try healthy alternatives to fatty snacks (see a cup of hot cocoa, or baking sweet potato french “fries”) and ditch the guilt at the door.  And the best? Having a friend that also opts for a healthy lifestyle that will urge you to snack/eat healthier instead of telling you to go for it with the bad food…but who also knows you gotta give in sometimes (just in moderation!)

Be healthy, makes choices that make you feel good, and allow you to live your life positively.

Yours in Good Health



Can your kitchen be the source of disease?

I am totally behind going “green” and making changes in my own house and at work to be more Eco-friendly.  I really do believe that it is important to live a lifestyle without wasting natural resources frivolously; it isn’t a way to show that you have money, to be wasteful with natural resources is just pointless, and truly lazy. There are tons of products on the market that have cleaning agents with less abrasive or fewer harsh chemical agents in them to clean your home, and in an effort to be green, people are using sponges and dish rags/towels in lieu of paper towels, or the equivalent, to clean up a pretty nasty mess, and opting to clean and reuse those sponges or towels. It’s great for the environment, but are we putting ourselves at risk for hidden viruses and bacteria in those reusable materials?

SpongesWhat can be lurking?

When cooking with meat and eggs, there are a risk for E. coli and salmonella that can hide out in crevices of wooden cutting boards, in the little holes in your sponges, and in the fabric of dish towels.  Between lots of moisture and food sources, it really makes for a perfect breeding spot for viruses and bacteria: dark, moisture filled places with bits of food for the bacteria to feed off of, is their own little heaven! With ideal breeding spaces, these bacterial can grow into the millions in 24 hours time, and the more bacteria present, the bigger the risk that you will get infected by them.  Just think that every time you swipe your sponge over your counter, you are leaving a trail of bacteria that you can’t see.  Yikes!

How do I prevent that?

Old school bleach, which I know is horrible ecologically speaking, is really fantastic at killing off those nasty bacteria, quickly and effectively! And many studies have shown that the “greener”the product, the less effective it is at killing off E. coli and salmonella. But there are some tricks you can use to help rid your kitchen of these nasty bugs:

– Use white vinegar (which smells horrid) on your counter tops and then follow with hot, soapy water to cut the smell and help wash away the bacteria. (bacteria are fickle and need the perfect temperature to grow, they don’t like places that are hot, so hot water can help to kill them off!)

– Make sure that your sponges are clean by changing them out weekly.

– You can extend the life of sponges by getting them moist and zapping them in the microwave for 2 minutes a day to kill off most creepy things living in there.

– Wash dish rags and towels frequently in hot water cycles, especially if they are used to clean up raw meat/egg spills (or wiping your hands after touching such items).

– You can also always add vinegar to the wash to help kill off bacteria

– If you use a dishwasher with some frequency, toss your sponge into the dishwasher every time you run it, and it will come out fresh and clean and bacteria free!

So, white vinegar can do a pretty good job on killing off that bacteria, and following it with the hot soapy water (using a sponge free of bacteria) can help to decrease your risk of infection and cut down on spreading those nasty little bacteria all over your clean kitchen surfaces. Bleach really is the best way to kill off the bacteria because you spray some from a bottle, a quick swipe of your sponge/rag and the bacteria are eradicated, but for those that are intensely eco-friendly, white vinegar, hot soapy water, bacteria-free cleaning tools, and elbow grease are your friends! Next time you grab your green cleaning product, read the label to see what the active ingredient is, you may be wasting your money, as white vinegar is under a dollar for a liter!

Yours in Good Health


Another reason to know the source of your food…

There have been numerous times that we have consumed products and then found out there were different additives or harmful substances present, which is usually due to a lack of adherence to regulations, or knowingly contaminate the product to make a larger profit.  This has recently become a rather hot issue is because of contaminated found in the UK, Ireland, and a few countries in the EU.

horse meat

What was the contamination?

Some rather large quantities of commercially sold hamburger (“beef”) meat in Ireland was tested for DNA, per regular testing standards, and meat that was labelled as beef was found to actually have the DNA of pigs and horses present.  The meat was found to have come from suppliers in France and Ireland that have then supplied major retailers such as Tesco (for Americans, Tesco is like Stop & Shop, Winn Dixie, or Ralph’s, a pretty major chain of grocers) which produces its own foods.  Since the contaminated meats were found at one source, they were traced back to the sources and the issue was found to be much more widespread.  Tesco products such as Bolognese sauces, lasagna, and other products have been contaminated with horse meat.  Not only is the pig and horse meat contamination an ethical issue for many people, but there are also certain religious groups (such as Muslim or Jewish groups) that don’t eat porcine products due to beliefs, which makes this a huge issue.

One of the other issues is that the horse meat was found to have phenylbutazone (also known as bute) present in it.  Phenylbutazone is a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used for short-term pain control in animals.  It has been banned in both the US and the EU due to issues of aplastic anemia which results from suppressed bone marrow, so your white and red blood cells are not adequately produced, to properly clot or fight off infection. Even ingesting these meats, which were found to be up to 60% horse meat that was contaminated with phenylbutazone, which can be absorbed by humans and cause this bone marrow suppression and anemia.

Up to 16 countries in the UK and EU that have been affected by this meat contamination, not to mention that these suppliers also sent contaminated meat to large fast food retailers such as Burger King in the UK/EU, thus numerous people have been exposed to these different meats and the phenlybutazone. If you think you have been exposed, you should go to see your Healthcare Practitioner (HCP) and get assessed, but you should know that they are currently making the statement that ingesting these small amounts of the drugs through horse meat is presumed to not have an impact on your health, but it truly is unknown. If you feel unwell, and have been at risk, it is best to see your HCP and get checked out, especially if you have any other medical issues.  For a list of affected foods check here.

Another reason to eat local and support local agriculture when you can, you know what kind of meat and the source!

Yours in Good Health


Should I take Vitamins?

I am asked frequently who should take vitamins, and by frequently, I mean on a daily basis.  And there are certain subsets of people who should take vitamins, and for others it’s a complete waste of money.  Many times people tend to take more vitamins and supplements than is really necessary.

Should I be taking vitamins daily?

Vitamins and other supplements can be really pricey, and not really worth the price tag. Most of the vitamins and supplements that you find are not FDA tested to ensure that the claims on the labels actually match what is inside of the product, even commercially sold vitamins, are not approved.  Most of the time, if you really need to be on a vitamin supplementation, your Healthcare Practitioner (HCP) will write you a prescription for it, then you know that the amount of supplement you need is what you are actually getting.

Truly the only people who should be taking vitamin supplementation are people who have a malabsorption disorders:

Chron’s disease, Irritable Bowel Disorder (IBD), Celiac Disease, lactose intolerance, severe food allergies, bariatric surgery (gastric bypass), pancreatic insufficiency, hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, among other issues.

Also, if you are pregnant, you should be taking prenatal vitamins, folic acid, and iron supplementation to ensure that your fetus is getting adequate nutrition, and your HCP will order these for you so they are FDA approved supplements.

vitamin veggies
If you have a truly poor diet, where you really don’t eat fruits and vegetables,even in juice form, and eat fast food on the regular, then you should probably take vitamins, but if you eat a regular diet, get in fruits and vegetables, then you really don’t need to take any sort of supplementation. It’s just a waste of money. Most of the vitamins and nutrients that are found in supplements can be added to your diet through adding a few fruits and or veggies a day to your diet. I think of my morning smoothies as my vitamins: jam-packed with 4 different fruits, of various colors, which basically gets me all I need for the day (but good thing I add in other fruits and veggies during the day.)

I’m not saying you all have to be smoothie converts, but it actually ends up being cheaper for you to add some fruits and veggies to your diets, and ditch the pills!

Yours in Good Health