Just as we have learned how important kegels can be for the ladies, but fellas, did you know that they can benefit you as well? There are plenty of benefits, some of which may be things that you are too embarrassed to talk to your HCP about but maybe you can try to work your kegels and be proactive! Kegel exercises are aimed at toning and strengthening the pubococcygeus muscles, which are the muscles of the pelvic floor.
What are the benefits?
Kegel exercises can help men by decreasing prostate pain that is associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis, along with preventing urinary incontinence, and can help to prevent premature ejaculation and increase intensity of orgasms. Also, it can make your erections stronger and for longer. I am not a man, but I see no negatives here!!
When should I start doing Kegels?
Any male at ANY age should be doing kegel exercises, especially because approximately 1 of every 10 men over 60 years old has some form of urinary/prostate problem that would be benefitted by strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor! And, with those benefits, I can’t see why any man wouldn’t want to start their toning, a more intense orgasm should entice anyone!
How do I do them?
So, basically you have the squeeze the same muscles that you would squeeze as if you are holding in urine or a bowel movement, when you really have to go, but have to wait. It is best to actually do these exercises with an empty bladder, but try to contract and relax these muscles 15 times a day, and work up to 75 times and them start holding the contraction for 3-5 seconds and try to get in two sets of 50 per day while holding the contraction.
I know it seems like a lot BUT you can do them anywhere at any time without it being noticed: while driving, in the shower, at work, watching TV, etc. No one has to know that you are exercising, and really the benefits to you out weight the few minutes a day you will be strengthening your pelvic floor muscles and doing something positive for your body! You will start to see the benefits in 4-6 weeks after starting the exercises and, I promise you, you’ll thank me!!!
Give it a go, and I’ll wait the 4-6 weeks until my inbox blows up with thank you’s!
Yours in Good Health