Do You Need a Workout Partner? Be Active Together!

I have a rather hectic schedule, and I work out at times when most of my friends are sleeping (to be honest, when most of the world is sleeping), and my motivation to get out running every day happens to be my dogs. If they don’t want to go out running in the bitter cold at 5am? I basically dig deep with every excuse to get out there, but there are days that I just am dead in the water and I really need some inspiration. For me, and for everyone else who needs that motivation to get out there and either try something new or just have a buddy to workout with, there is actually an app for us: Be Active Together. It’s a dream come true when we are lacking inspiration and motivation!

What is Be Active Together?
It’s an amazing new app, and the goal is to make you healthier by inspiring you and giving you the motivation to work out! Basically you fill out a profile of what activities you like to do, what you level of experience/intensity you work out at, and then you can go ever further and fill out calendar preferences of what days you want to work out, times, and match! The app will match you with someone who works out at a similar intensity with whichever activity you choose to, in your area. Not only does it help you meet people who are interested in the same activities, but it gets you that motivation you need; once you lock in to meet up and work out with someone, you are more likely to do it. There have been many studies showing that people are more apt to stick to health and fitness goals when they have people to meet their goals with, and when they are held accountable. Be Active Together helps you to make yourself accountable: you set a workout “date”, and you then have a reason to be there on time, because if you don’t, you are leaving someone hanging and negatively impacting their workout too, so you better get your butt there! (Just a little friendly pressure to not be a flake and keep the dates you set!) It’s almost like paying for a trainer to hold yourself accountable, except people are choosing to meet up for free!

Step 1: choose your sports/activities

Step 1: choose your sports/activities


So many activities to choose from!

So many activities to choose from!


Step 2:  scale your level of experience and intensity of your workouts

Step 2: scale your level of experience and intensity of your workouts

For me, who is a runner that knows people run when I do, but I just don’t know them personally, it’s a great app: we can meet when the rest of the world is snoozing, it makes me get out of my warm cozy bed, meet up with another non-gym going runner, and we get it done together! And, you can even meet with people who go to your gym; if you are new to a city, or not but looking for some people with similar healthy interests, this is perfect!

Step 3: Pick your schedule and search for a work out partner!

Step 3: Pick your schedule and search for a work out partner!




It takes commitment to get out there and get in shape, and with Be Active Together, you might just make some new friends in the process of getting fitter AND it just so happens to be one of my favorite things: free! So download, the app, tell me what you think, and let’s all hit those healthy New Years Resolutions!

Yours in Good Health