Lunge Plus Challenge: Tighten your core and lower body!

For those of you who have been joining the April, May, June, and July Challenges, this one should be a good mix of all of the muscles we have been working on, and increasing our cardio and stamina, along with toning. For the August challenge, we will focus back on those lower legs doing lunges (both standing alternating, and walking) and burpees to help to work on agility and coordinate strength.


All forms of lunges work the hips, abdominals, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles. SO we will be tightening and strengthening the lower core muscles and the legs in this challenge! To perform a standing lunge properly:

Step forward with one leg. While keeping your back straight, bend your other leg until parallel with the floor and your back knee almost touches the floor. Make sure your front knee does not go over your ankle, it can cause injury and make you unstable.

 To perform an alternating walking lunge: 

Perform the same lunge as described above, but actually propel yourself forward and basically walk in a series of lunges!  You may look a little silly but you can add it into a daily walk or during chores; I do it all the time!


They are meant to be done in rapid succession, and through the various different exercises target your hamstrings, gluteal muscles, calves, biceps, triceps, pectoral muscles, hip flexors, and abs.  They are one stop shopping kind of exercises, so get ready to really test yourself!  To perform them properly:

1. Start standing upright    2. Drop to a squat with your hands on the floor    3. Keep your feet hands flat and kick your feet directly back   4. Immediately bring your feet back to the squat position   5. Jump back up to the standing position with your hands extended over your head.

As with all of the challenges, this is very difficult and if you have any medical issues you should speak with your Healthcare provider and obtain approval before starting.  Also, if you feel that you need to take a break on a day not listed as a rest day, listen to your body!

Day 1: 10 Burpees 10 Alternating lunges
Day 2: 10 Burpees 14 Alternating lunges
Day 3: 10 Burpees 18 Alternating lunges
Day 4: 10 Burpees 20 Alternating lunges
Day 5:10 Burpees 24 Alternating lunges
Day 6: 10 Burpees 26 Alternating lunges
Day 8: 20 Burpees 26 Alternating lunges
Day 9: 20 Burpees 26 Alternating lunges
Day 10: 20 Burpees 30 Alternating lunges
Day 11: 20 Burpees 30 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 12: 20 Burpees 36 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 13: 20 Burpees 36 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 14: REST DAY
Day 15: 30 Burpees 40 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 16: 30 Burpees 40 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 17: 30 Burpees 50 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 18: 30 Burpees 60 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 19: 40 Burpees 70 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 20: 40 Burpees 80 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 21: REST DAY
Day 22: 50 Burpees 86 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 23: 50 Burpees 86 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 24: 50 Burpees 90 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 25: 50 Burpees 90 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 26: 60 Burpees 96 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 27: 60 Burpees 96 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 28: 70 Burpees 100 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 29: 70 Burpees 100 Alternating WALKING lunges
Day 30: 80 Burpees 100 Alternating WALKING lunges

Enjoy the challenge and be strong!

Yours in Good Health



I have recently been introduced to the world of kettle bells and my abs are thanking me for it!  I thought that it couldn’t really make that much of a difference in my workout, but it really has.  I have 5lb, 10lb, and 20lb kettle bells; the 5lbs for when I am learning a new workout so that I don’t hurt myself and the 10lb and 20lb for actual muscle-building purposes.  They are great because I have totally new workout routines and am working my muscles in different ways.  Also, you are combining cardio with strength training which is the best kind of workout; you increase your metabolic rate significantly, so it truly is a fat burning workout.  The bells are so different from  regular dumbbell weights because they are unstable and it requires extra concentration and muscle strength to stabilize the bells, allowing you to use more muscles with each workout AND most often you are using your core muscles to aid in the stabilization.  Many of the workouts are full head-to-toe workouts and utilize every muscle in your body, that focus on muscle movement and toning, so you don’t bulk up (you can if you want to and use higher weights, but I like to tone).


Also, its fun, new to your body (so you burn more calories), and you are supposed to supplement your workout twice a week with kettle bells so it changes your routine. Kettle bell routines are easy to learn (Turkish get-ups are about the most challenging and even I could get them down quickly!), also it is low impact on your joints, and what is better than high intensity cardio that is low stress on your joints??

Give it a try, and let me know what you think, they have changed my abs!!

Yours in Good Health