Do you know Molly? Word is she’s all around these days.

Molly is another street name, along with ecstasy, for MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) which can be ingested in powder, pill, or capsule form and it is taken orally. MDMA has been around since the early 1900’s when it was created as a weight loss drug, but it was found to create an intense sense of euphoria and some psychedelia (seeing and/or hearing things that may not be there). It regained popularity in the 1980’s in the psychiatry world when it was looked at to treat anxiety and various other disorders…but it also started becoming bigger on the streets in the 80’s and 90’s and started showing up at parties (raves), and started becoming more of a commonly used drug in the 2000’s.  There are some really legitimate reasons this drug is being studied for scientific use, even currently, but there are also some legitimate reasons that people should be wary of taking it as a street drug.Ecstasy_monogram (1)

What is the deal with Molly?

In its purest form, Molly (AKA MDMA), starts to hit within about 30-45 minutes after ingestion, peaks in about 120 minutes, and lasts usually a total of 3.5-5 hours (depending on dose, metabolism, and if you ingest other drugs as well). It creates this intense euphoria, truly the happiest you’ve ever been, with virtually no anxiety response, no fear of strangers, and actually you feel like you know people, it’s almost a false sense of intimacy. The feeling of touch is enhanced, so things feel much better when you touch them and when you are touched; many people use this as a foray into sexual enhancement and encounters they may not normally have/feel.  It is not a drug that people have no control over their actions, they are just very carefree without a worry in the world…one can understand the draw of that! There are many studies underway looking at the use of MDMA in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to help prevent some of the effects of the disorder, and work through the anxiety that can occur. It has also been studied to look at sexual dysfunction and to assist in marriage therapy/counseling.

What’s the Downside?

Because the drug boosts your serotonin levels and enhances all of your happy/good time feelings, the risk is that many people don’t know they are headed for an overdose, because they feel so good, their heart rate is increased, their blood pressure is elevated, and they are usually at concerts or parties where the “vibe” is so up they don’t think anything is wrong with them. An overdose on Molly can come on pretty quickly and be tough to reverse if it’s not treated in time. Also, because you feel so amazing when you’re on it, the next day is a total downer, and people report intense depression, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, paranoia, lack of attention/motivation, GI upset, loss of appetite, and severe exhaustion. And long-term use can lead to severe depression and anxiety.

Drinking alcohol, or using other drugs along with MDMA can make it very difficult for users don’t know that they may be overheating, or losing too much sodium from excessive sweating (which can cause some serious issues in your brain and lead to death), but because the drug lasts 3.5-5 hours, many users with use other drugs along with it to enhance the “high” or make it last longer. It is a deadly combination to mix MDMA with other drugs (even alcohol) and with MDMA use estimated to be around 25 million people annually, there are a LOT of people at risk of overdose, and from the long-term side effects.

Signs of Overdose:

Disorientation, extreme confusion, hallucinations, convulsions, muscle stiffness, chest pain, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, headache, loss of consciousness, kidney failure, and coma leading to death.

The Bottom Line?

In the early summer 2013 there were three deaths within one week of each other from presumed MDMA overdose alone by college age people, and overdoses aplenty at the eletronica music festivals over the summer months, leading to some of them being cancelled….and not to mention the fact that many music artists are referencing the drug in their lyrics, it seems like Molly is only gaining in popularity. And there is NO chance I am telling anyone that MDMA is healthy to use!

Be aware of the signs of overdose and seek immediate help if you think you are overdosing, tell someone, and if you see someone you think needs help, get them the help they need by calling emergency services (911 in the US). And parents?  Talk to your college age children about the drug and the risks, it seems that among college-age students, this drug is on the rise, and is used with almost the same frequency as marijuana. If you are thinking about trying the drug, read up first, know signs of overdose, don’t take other drugs, make sure to hydrate properly, and be in a safe environment….OR just skip doing drugs, and live a clean lifestyle, truly the choice is yours!

Yours in Good Health



In honor of mental health week, I thought that I would talk a little bit about anxiety: something that affects us all, in different ways, and totally different levels.  We all face stress, and we all get some form of anxiety, and every single person has a different way of dealing with it…some healthy, and some not so healthy.  I want people to know the difference between “normal” anxiety and “I really need some help” anxiety, and how we can treat it.  Anxiety disorders can start as a child and be a lifetime battle, or it can crop up at any point in your life.

What are some symptoms of anxiety?
Restlessness, feeling “on edge”
Constant worry about issues (small or large)
Difficulty concentrating
Poor sleeping (unable to get to sleep OR waking up in the middle of the night and unable to get back to sleep- constant exhaustion)
Constant muscle pains/strains (i.e. that tension that might occur in your back, shoulders, etc)
Rapid heartbeat
Shortness of breath

What can put you at a higher risk for anxiety disorders?
-Simply being a woman (gross!): women have a 2 times higher rate of anxiety than men
-Personality: Some personality types are more prone to be anxious (hello Type A! I’m not judging, I am a Typer A’er!)
-Genetics: If you come from a family of worriers and stressed out people, you are much more likely to sweat the small stuff.
-Trauma: Anyone who has survived a trauma (childhood, adult) as either a bystander OR someone directly involved in the event, you are much more likely to develop an anxiety disorder if you don’t get help to cope with the situation.
-Chronic Illness: If you have a chronic medical problem which can have flare-ups or cause you to require medical treatment on and off, it can be a constant stressor.
-Substance Abuse: The use of drugs and alcohol can make general anxiety disorders worse, but people try to use the drugs and alcohol to treat the anxiety,and it leads to a very unhealthy cycle of “self treatment”.

What can happen to me when I have an anxiety disorder?
-Chronic headaches
-Substance abuse
-Digestive difficulty
-Teeth grinding (TMJ)

What will my HCP be looking for?
Just like a medical diagnosis, with anxiety disorders there are some criteria that HCP’s are looking for to “diagnose” you with a general anxiety disorder:
-Excessive worry or anxiety about numerous events several days out of the week
-Difficulty controlling your feelings of worry
-Anxiety or worry that interferes with your activities of daily living
-Anxiety that isn’t related to another mental health condition (like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, etc)
-And at least three of the following symptoms: insomnia, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension.

OK. SO what do we do?  How do we treat this?
Alternative therapies:
-Exercise: Many studies have shown that daily exercise of 30 minutes (at least) can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
-Eat Healthy: cut out processed foods, fatty, and high sugar foods and add things that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B
-Avoid Alcohol and other drugs: as I said before, they can make things worse!
-Use relaxation techniques: yoga, mediation, and take time for yourself to shut off your phone, TV, and all other stimulation if only for 20 minutes a day, or when anxiety is at it’s worst.
-Sleep: shut off your TV, set a bedtime, get into a routine to help your mind turn off.
-Kava*: can help to promote relaxation, but be careful if you have any liver disorders.
-Valerian*: It can help promote sleep and help with relaxation
*talk to your HCP before starting any new supplements!
-Antidepressants: can help reduce anxiety and fight off the depressant hat can come with anxiety (i.e.Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor).
-Benzodiazepines: sedatives for SHORT-term relief of anxiety, they should only be used for anxiety attacks and for other sporadic treatment of anxiety, not every day and NOT for long-term use- they can make anxiety worse if taken long-term.
-Buspirone: Can take weeks to get full effect, but can be used for longterm or ongoing treatment of general anxiety disorders.
-Psychotherapy: AKA Talk therapy. For some people scheduling an hour a week of talking to someone who won;t judge you and can help to shape your behavior really works, and I suggest that anyone taking medication is also getting psychotherapy, they really enhance one another!

So many people have anxiety, we live in a high stress world, and I see people all the time that try to combat their stress with drugs and alcohol, because they don’t understand that what they are doing is self-“treating” their anxiety. And I see other people that end up completely breaking down from stress and unable to live their lives. In times of high stress, like a family member is sick, or you are tight for money, etc these things might happen for a few days/weeks.  BUT is this your life?  Am I describing things that you feel every single day?  If so, you need to talk to your HCP to get help and it is not a sign of weakness, it is not something to be embarrassed about- EVERYONE needs a helping hand sometimes!If you have any of these symptoms, PLEASE GET HELP!  If you know someone who needs help, urge them to go to their HCP, bring them to the Emergency Room if it is life threatening; just make sure that your love ones get treated and ask for help- there are tons of people out there to help and support you.  You aren’t dealing with stress and anxiety alone, I promise, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about.  Please talk to someone, and your HCP, and just tell them what you are going through, we can help you!

Yours in Good Health