Snow Storm Safety!

For all those, like me, who are affected by snowstorm storms during the winter, and possibly confined to their homes because of it, I just wanted to drop a reminder a few ways to keep yourself safe:

1. Make sure to get food and some water before the storm hits!  Whatever food you can eat, and plan on possibly losing power, so you may have to eat PB&Js for a couple of days, or canned goods, just make sure that you have enough food to eat and fresh water to drink.  You don’t want to have to go out during the storm (plus, stores won’t be open!)

2. Snow falling can be gorgeous, and you may want to go out for a walk in it, but please do not stray too far out heavy snowfall alone; with poor visibility, it is easy to get lost especially in poor lighting (dusk and nighttime.)

3. The same goes for your animals, off leash, they can easily get lost with poor visibility and poor lighting. If you have small creatures, like mine, they can fall below the snow line, so keeping them on leash ensures their safety. It can also be harder for you to hear them with snowfall and plows around, so you may not be able to visualize them OR hear them. snowpups

4. When shoveling, take breaks: the exercise when shoveling is a lot more exertion than people think, and it is easy to strain muscles and/or exert yourself to the point of heart attack (we see a lot of cardiac arrests during snow storm shoveling).  So please take breaks, and ask for help, or if you have a plow, do a favor for someone who might not be able to shovel themselves out. If you have the means, maybe call a company to help plow you out in heavy snow.

5. Be careful with snow blowers: they can get clogged up, sometimes requiring you to pull out rocks, branches, etc. but make sure that the motor is off and the blade has stopped spinning. There are always some pretty nasty snowblower accidents that come into the Emergency Department every snowstorm! Even though it isn’t as exerting as shoveling, take breaks! Being exhausted and operating any sort of motorized equipment is as unsafe as being under the influence of alcohol, so please be safe and take breaks as you can.

6. If you have chronic medical conditions, or are unwell, have a plan to get to medical assistance if necessary. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) will be up and running, but they need to be safe getting to you, so times may be slightly delayed, and it is something to keep in mind.  If you have someone driving you to the hospital, give yourself ample time and drive slowly and safely to get there. For example, if you are pregnant and due to give birth during a predicted snowstorm: have a plan in place!

7. Please be mindful of driving bans, it’s for your own safety! if you HAVE to drive, for emergency purposes (and no that doesn’t mean you forgot extra wine) be careful and take your time.  Make sure that you have a cell phone, or a way to contact EMS or roadside assistance if you need to, but please use good common sense, you do not want to be one of the statistics.

8. Use common sense, it seems fun to go out and do crazy things in the snow, but temperatures are cold, visibility is low, snow drifts are higher than expected, and transportation can be really difficult. So, if you have to get your crazies out, bring a cell phone and a friend, and let people know what you are up to/when you are going. Especially if you have been drinking to pass the time (remember to eat and to hydrate well!)

9. General winter warning: Don’t go skating on ponds unless it is posted that it is safe to do so. Many times ponds/lakes appear more frozen than they are!

10. To stay healthy? Remember you don’t need a gym to get exercise when you get stir crazy, you can always rock out with some yoga, jumping jacks, burpees, squats, etc. there’s way to keep moving even when confined to your home.

Otherwise, enjoy the snow, have fun, and hopefully you will be able to escape your homes safely soon enough!  Remember: Helping someone out is a good feeling, so if you are fit and have the means (a plow/snow blower/shovel), help someone who might be completely snowed in and unable to get themselves out. Pay it forward and keep it safe!

Yours in Good Health


Dry, Itchy, Winter Skin?

A common problem in the winter is that your skin becomes dry, flaky, itchy, and it can really be difficult to make your skin feel normal.  All the fluctuations with heat, feeling cold, warm showers, etc. make your skin worse, but the good news is that there are some pretty simple tips to help keep your skin moist and healthy….so you can live itch free this winter!

Why is dry skin an issue?
When you have dry skin the fine lines that you can’t normally see become apparent, and the skin also feels rough, and can appear flaky.  Medically, it is known as xerosis.  Now, even though you might think this is a purely visual issue, its not.  Dry skin can actually cause some major issues, like infections from the cracked skin just being open to the elements, or from bacteria under your fingernails getting embedded into the skin and cracks from scratching when it gets itchy. There can be large open sores, bacteria in the form of pus, and it can interfere with sleeping, and every day activities….not to mention it can make you feel like everyone is staring at your skin issues (even if they aren’t).

Signs of dry skin?
appearance of fine lines
cracks in skin
rough skin
itchy areas (that can crack and bleed)

What causes it?
Weather: when humidity is low along with temperatures, the moisture gets zapped from our skin
Heat: Central air, wood burning stoves, & space heaters all dry out the air
Hot Showers: despite then feeling really good and warming you up, hot showers deplete your skin of important lipids (fats) that help to keep them moist
Sun Exposure: excessive UV exposure (like sun burns) will also dry out your skin.

What can we do to treat it?
The good news is that most of the treatments are home remedies that are not expensive.  Yay!  Avoiding long hot shower is one place to start, try to keep the water warm, but not super hot, and finish your shower with a thick moisturizer. I use   the standard Palmers Cocoa Butter in the winter, and it keeps my skin moist, but I know some friends  that use thicker creams such as Eucerin which is full of emollients and fats.  I must say Palmers also created a line of skin care for dry winter skin, it is too heavy  for my skin, but if you like using cocoa butter, that line might be for you. But in general, you want to look for a cream that is thick (not thin and watery) and is in general free of dyes and scents. Also, some people will apply baby oil to their skin right after showering to add moisture, I just urge you to be careful because that can get slippery!! Use gentle soaps, that are made for the face, and are labelled as gentle with moisturizers added.  Use a humidifier in your home to offset the drying heaters, and allow some moisture in the air that can help your skin.  And, try to wear natural fibers like cotton, bamboo, etc because they are soft and less irritating to your skin than other man-made fibers.  And, finally, if your skin is super itchy, you can apply cool compresses to try to take the itch out of the area (as opposed to scratching) and applying an OTC hydrocortisone cream (1%) can help to stop the itching.  If it doesn’t you can talk to your HCP about getting a prescription cream to prevent the itching.  Also, if the scratches or cracks in your skin are painful ,red, or oozing you should see an HCP to treat a possible bacterial infection (usually a topical cream can be used).

So, keep those showers short, slap on that cream, and talk to your HCP if you continue to have trouble with dry skin, they may be able to write you for a prescription treatment.

Yours in Good Health!